Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Introducing Pat!!

I love school holidays...I have spent some time with my new little dog...Pat...he is very playful and a pleasure to have around the home. He keeps me company! Over the holidays we went away for a few days so Pat had to have a sleep over at Grandma's....Pat does not like chooks!! Pat went on chain!!
 While we were away we got to paddle down the Mary River at my brother in laws. We all had a turn and ended up with a wet behind. Nice!!
 We also had a go at ice skating......lots of fun......this I managed to stay upright.
I was, according to the girls very slow and stayed near the edge. Rachel fell over quite a few times and ended up with a purple knee and Kirsten did the old sympathy fall......someone fell over in front of her and she fell over as an act of sympathy;)
 We also got to meet our newest nephew, Fletcher. Here is Ruby showing off her new brother.
Now, I don't normally take a photo of my washing but todays was particularly impressive. I washed a quilt to go in our quilt show on the weekend and had a few others that I washed and I thought what a great photo this would Ta Da!!
I have made a few cards yesterday that I will add to the blog rather I hope to see you back soon.
Happy Crafting

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